Dude,a awsome site about music and Vasquez and Dirge

The Cure pictures
Alice Cooper
Marilyn Manson dude
KoRn pictures
About Me
Jhonens creations
Jhonen pictures
weird pictures
Manson and his band
Links...I guess
Roman Dirge


Lison to this song it funny

my favorite music and pictures of my favorite music...and I will alway update info on them  


dude,Marilyn Manson is one of my favorite bands...

well we all know his name is Brain...and he is gitting marryed and his best of has come out...its a good cd...I would bye it if I was you.I will put news artical about them
intill then


dude,Robert Smith looks like Edward Sissor hands with no sissor hands...hehehe.Thats why he is so hot...well The Cure rocks and dont let anyone tell you other wise...and if you have never herd of them look them up at there website
They just made a new CD called the cure
well intill I git more info


I have this for the front of my computer...
I love it...well anough about me lets talk about them...I was going to go to project Revalotion...but I had no money...and I cryed...really I did...do any of you Korn fans remeber when they said Jothan Davis killed him self...hehehe...I was stupid to beleave it for a min....well you can go to there web site www.Korn.com or something like that
intill I have more info


ah...AFI...love them...my friend Kenny said that the lead singer was gay...I was like oh well I still like him...he may be bi...but I dont care...if you know if he is gay email me...it in info about me...thanks
I will have info


we all know who this is...I hope we do
Its Trent Reznor silly...well they are in the stodio...and I cant wait for more info.
intill then

time for more pictures of bands I like...well here we go


reach out and touch faith
ok,new plan the band will have its own page of pics...so this is wear you git the news and git the pics on other pages...see you there

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